A general x-ray is an image of the inside of the body and it is produced by small rays of ionising radiation passing through your body and hitting a detector.

X-rays are generally useful for assessing bones including soft tissue, lungs and abdomen.


  • At Albany Imaging, we have the latest digital technology, which allows us to use low radiation doses to capture diagnostic imaging.

  • Does any on the following apply to you?

    • If you are pregnant or suspect that you may be.

    You should consult your doctor or inform the radiographer before the examination is performed, as special precautions may have to be taken.

    • Do you require an interpreter?

    Please let us know at the time of your booking so that arrangements can be made prior to your appointment.

  • No preparation is required for most x-rays, however you are required to have a booking prior to attending our clinic.

    Upon arrival you may be asked to change into a gown and remove jewelry, glasses and any metal objects interfering with the area of interest.

    The Radiographer will discuss the procedure with you, and will explain the correct positioning for depending on the body part. You will then be asked to stay as still as possible.

    Most examinations are completed within 10 to 15 minutes.

    Once the procedure is complete the images will be sent to our Radiologist for review.

  • The images will be reviewed by a Radiologist and a report will be sent to the referring doctor within a week for non-urgent examinations via electronic methods or fax.

    Urgent reports will be faxed or telephoned directly to your doctor, immediately following your examination.

    Please note, the clinical staff will not discuss your results in the room with you.